Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Through My Tears...I Will Praise HIM!
So now that I have caught you up on the last couple years, a couple weeks ago I took a pregnancy test and it said pregnant! Yay we were so excited because we want our children to be close together and this would put them about 26 months apart, perfect! Once again Michael and I can’t keep our mouths shut so we proceeded to tell our immediate family and those we see on a regular basis. About a week ago I started experiencing the same symptoms I had during my first miscarriage. I immediately called my doctor and when I talked to the nurse she didn’t sound very hopeful and said I was probably experiencing another miscarriage. Remember how I talked about how sweet Addie is. When I got off the phone I immediately hit the floor sobbing (I am an emotional basket case) and that sweet child ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. She laid her head on my shoulder and from time to time she would look up to see if I was still crying. What an amazing comfort she was during that time. The next week was an emotional roller coaster. Much like the time before we went to the doctor and they saw the sac (last time we actually heard the heart beat) and they said that everything looked normal right then and that we would just have to wait it out. The waiting is hard because you want to cling to the hope but when the symptoms just keep getting worse I think you know what is happening. This morning we went back to the doctor and we got the news that we already knew. We lost the baby. Honestly when I got pregnant this time I didn’t think as much about a miscarriage and I guess it was because I got pregnant with Addie in between so I thought I was in the clear.
At this point we aren’t going to do any testing or anything even though that was offered to us. We are clinging to the two things I stated above 1. We have hope in our God 2. We did get pregnant before so it seems like I would be able to get pregnant again.
A friend of mine sent me this verse today and it so true, God is bigger than everything:
Isaiah 45:5-7
"5 I am the LORD, and there is no other, besides me there is no God; I equip you, though you do not know me, 6 that people may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides me; I am the LORD, and there is no other. 7I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, I am the LORD, who does all these things."
I also posted this yesterday on facebook, they are lyrics from a song I heard:
"Lead me to your heart, rid me of myself, I belong to you!" No matter what happens in this life I am His and He deserves ALL glory.
So through my tears I will praise HIS name! Love you all!
Sarah Beth
Friday, August 5, 2011
Eating her typical dinner (mac n cheese). Seriously I am so bad with dinner. I try to get her to eat other things and venture out but usually it is a big accomplishment if she eats even a bite or two. I could send her to bed without eating but who wants to wake up in the middle of the night with a hungry baby? So we always end up giving her mac n cheese. She doesn't pitch a fit or anything she simply says "no" to other foods and will want to get down and just not eat! So mac n cheese it is. Plus she is forced to eat other foods at daycare or so I tell myself :)
Monday, July 18, 2011
NY & Addie Update
New York City
People Groups
The Need
God Is At Work
Monday, February 28, 2011
Addie is ONE!

some of the Birthday decor:

"Create A Valentine"
She wanted nothing to do with the cake, even when her daddy tried to shove her face in it.
SOOOO many presents!!! This child is in need of NOTHING! We were completely overwhelmed and humbled by all the love!
A couple family shots:
I wish I had better pictures of the precious outfit that was given to Addie by my mom (her JoJo) and made by one of our dear friends Jana. These are the best pics I can find that show the outfit (I will have to take a photo shoot with her in the outfit).
Addie's Aunt Christa also made her a slide show of her first year that was playing on loop at the party. I love the slide show and know Addie will love to watch it one day when she is older. Overall Addie had a great first birthday. She goes for her one year check up this week so I don't know any stats...I think she weighs about 18lbs (she is still a tiny little one). Right now she is currently still in 9 months (and some are still way to big). She has started clapping and waving while saying "bye bye". We like to sing if your happy and you know it clap your hands. She has started crawling more but still only does it if she really wants something. She really wants to be walking but just isn't fully capable yet but she really tries. She got tubes in her ears the week after her birthday and has been back to sleeping through the night since. Now she goes down at 7 and doesn't wake up until 6:45-7:30! It has been great for her and her parents :) She amazes Michael and myself every single day. She has shown us so much about who Christ is and about his love through her presence. Michael and I fall more in love with her every single day!